API Overview

Welcome Developers,

The Wego API will enable you to build a customised travel search experience on your website or mobile application with almost all the features and functions of the Wego.com site. Get creative and use the API in lots of ways, not only travel search, to monetise your travel inventory.

Wego APIs

Wego Flights API



We charge an annual fee of USD 1000 for access to all Wego APIs. A test API key can be provided for trial (up to a maximum of 2 weeks) before the purchase.

When and how do I get paid?

You get paid between the 15th and 20th of every month for earnings generated in the month before previous month, unless the threshold amount (USD 100 for PayPal / USD 500 for Bank wire) is not reached. You can get payment via PayPal or bank wire, just be sure to enter all the required information for your chosen payment type.

Example: Let’s assume that you earned $30 for Jan, $40 for Feb and $90 for Mar, and you selected PayPal as a payment type https://impotenciastop.pt/. You’ll get paid by $160 from 15 to 20 May.


Please make sure to read the full API Agreement. Some of the rules of using the API:

  • We require to maintain Search to Click ratio not less than 5%
  • You have to use the API to only facilitate travel search queries by real-end users (not bots)

  • Only Wego deep links to Wego’s partners should be included in the search results.

Rate Limiting

Use of the Wego API is subject to rate limits. Limits apply to Search requests and don’t apply to other requests (e.g pulling of search results).

The default limit is 500 calls per hour for a regular key (can be increased by request if you maintain Search to Click ratio 5%) and 50 calls per hour for a test key.

Note that rate limits can be decreased if you don’t maintain Search to Click ratio 5%.

What the API is NOT

The Wego API doesn’t support the shopping cart or e-commerce process either, but using the API you can take users to continue the booking process at one of our partners’ sites.

How do I Obtain an API Key?

To obtain an API key please contact us at [email protected] and provide a name of your website/app and a description of what your website/app does.

If we approve your request, we’ll send you a Test API key.

To transform your Test API key to a Regular API key:

1. Pay us the yearly setup fee 1000 USD (Please note that Paypal/Bank charges will be borne by the affiliate):

Paypal: [email protected]

Telegraphic Transfer:

Account Name: Wego Pte Ltd

Bank Name: DBS Bank

Address: 12 Marina Boulevard, DBS Asia Central @ MFC Tower 3, Singapore 018982

Account No.: 0003-032896-01-2

Swift Code: DBSSSGSG

2. Send us the signed API Agreement together with the proof of payment.

Once our Finance Department has confirmed the receipt of the funds, we will then be able to set-up a Regular API key for you. Please note that once the payment is made, no refunds would be given.